Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Speed training

So all I have been doing lately is speed drills. These consist of finding a flat section of road and trying to hold over 30mph for as long as possible (1 1/2 min is the rec) or accecelerating till I hit 36 or 37mph and then doing it again and again till I cant do no more. One of the other things I have been doing is the practice crit at fiesta my goal has been to attack the field of 120 riders over and over again. So first I accelerate up 33/36 mph and hold for 40 seconds if some one goes with my attack then they pull through and we stay away till they catch us. The next part is the hard part after they catch I try to get back in the front of the group andgo with the next attack off the front. This puts your body into serious oxigen debt and hurts soooo bad. I call all this riding like an animal.


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